FastSurferCNN: is a script that is equivalent to FreeSurfer’s mri_segstats. However, it is faster and (automatically) scales very well to multi-processing scenarios.

Full commandline interface of FastSurferCNN/

Script to calculate partial volumes and other segmentation statistics of a segmentation file.

usage: python  -norm <input_norm> -i <input_seg> -o <output_seg_stats> [optional arguments]

Named Arguments

-norm, --normfile

Biasfield-corrected image in the same image space as segmentation (required).

-i, --segfile

Segmentation file to read and use for evaluation (required).

-o, --segstatsfile

Path to output segstats file.


List of segmentation ids (integers) to exclude in analysis, e.g. –excludeid 0 1 10 (default: 0).

Default: [0]


List of exclusive segmentation ids (integers) to use (default: all ids in –lut or all ids in image).


Add a ‘virtual’ label (first value) that is the combination of all following values, e.g. –merged_label 100 3 4 8 will compute the statistics for label 100 by aggregating labels 3, 4 and 8.

Default: []


Whether to calculate robust segmentation metrics. This parameter expects the fraction of values to keep, e.g. –robust 0.95 will ignore the 2.5% smallest and the 2.5% largest values in the segmentation when calculating the statistics (default: no robust statistics == –robust 1.0).

Advanced options


Number of threads to use (defaults to number of hardware threads: 4)

Default: 4


Patch size to use in calculating the partial volumes (default: 32).

Default: 32


Keep ids for the table that do not exist in the segmentation (default: drop).

Default: False


Select device to run inference on: cpu, or cuda (= Nvidia gpu) or specify a certain gpu (e.g. cuda:1), default: auto

Default: “auto”


Path and name of LUT to use.

Default: /home/runner/work/FastSurfer/FastSurfer/dev/FastSurferCNN/config/FastSurfer_ColorLUT.tsv


Optional: directly set the subject id to use. Can be used for single subject input. For multi-subject processing, use remove suffix if sid is not second to last element of input file passed to –t1


Directory in which input volume(s) are located. Optional, if full path is defined for –t1.


Allow execution as root user.

Default: False


Reproduce FreeSurfer mri_segstats numbers (default: off). Please note, that exact agreement of numbers cannot be guaranteed, because the condition number of FreeSurfers algorithm (mri_segstats) combined with the fact that mri_segstats uses ‘float’ to measure the partial volume corrected volume. This yields differences of more than 60mm3 or 0.1% in large structures. This uniquely impacts highres images with more voxels (on the boundry) and smaller voxel sizes (volume per voxel).

Default: False


Save the mixing coefficients (default: off).

Default: “”


Save the alternate labels (default: off).

Default: “”


Save the alternate labels’ mixing coefficients (default: off).

Default: “”


Save the segmentation labels’ means (default: off).

Default: “”


Save the alternate labels’ means (default: off).

Default: “”


Number of digits after dot in summary stats file (default: 3). Note, –legacy_freesurfer sets this to 1.


Python 3.8+


Nibabel to read images

Pandas to read/write stats files etc.

Original Author: David Kügler Date: Dec-30-2022 Modified: May-08-2023