We currently do not have any open positions, sorry.
What we have to offer
While every lab member is expected to contribute to the lab, we also expect to give something back to you (not just a competitive salary). We want to enable you to advance your career towards your personal goals:
- We mentor you and always have an open ear.
- We strive to provide excellent training across a wide range of computational and experimental techniques.
- We provide a strong network of international collaborators at various prestigious institutions, such as Harvard and MIT.
- We are located at DZNE, a German Helmholtz Center, with outstanding funding, resources, and research environment.
- We have access to exciting and richly phenotyped datasets, e.g. the Rhineland Study (a large population study with thousdands of participants).
- We currently train on 24 NVIDIA V100 (32 GB each, NVlink’ed) and 8 A100 GPUs (40 GB each) available exclusively for our lab.
- We provide access to the DZNE HPC cluster with 94 V100 GPU’s.
- We have a modern MRI facility in house (with a 3T and a 7T Siemens scanner), and further 3T scanners at two scan centers.
- We have strong local collaborative ties with clinial science, population science, neuroscience, radiology, epileptiology etc.
- We develop FastSurfer and contribute to FreeSurfer (a popular open source software suite for brain MRI processing) via collaborations at Harvard Medical School.
- … (if you are not yet convicend, please ask)
Postdoctoral Fellows
We currently do not have any open positions, sorry.
As a member of the Humboldt Foundation Network, we would love to host you via a prestigious postdoctoral Humboldt Fellowship for a stay of 6 - 24 months at the Deep-MI Lab in Germany! Please contact us.
Graduate Students
Sadly, we currently do not have any open PhD positions. If you obtained a PhD fellowship or are exploring external funding possibilities and would like to visit or stay at our Lab, please contact us.
Master Students
We can offer various exciting topics for your Master Thesis project in our lab. Please contact us for details.
In the past, our lab has enjoyed having foreign exchange students, interns, (sabbatical) visitors from academia and industry.