

The DeepMI FastSurfer/FreeSurfer course will be divided into several modules that give a comprehensive overview of the FastSurfer and FreeSurfer software packages and provide detailed guidance for their application in your own research. After an introduction, the segmentation module will cover advanced deep-learning methods for image segmentation. The surface module will explain how 3D surface models are created from brain images. The group analysis module will discuss statistical modeling and inference, and the QC and Add-ons module provides QC and troubleshooting tips as well as an outlook into the current and future FastSurfer ecosystem. All lectures will be accompanied by demos and/or practical exercises.

Introduction to structural neuroimaging


This module provides an overview of the FastSurfer / FreeSurfer software packages, their image processing pipelines, and the resulting metrics for quantifying anatomical properties of the human brain. This includes:

This module also includes a short tutorial on working with our Linux workstations and on running scripts via the command line.

Advanced deep-learning for image segmentation


This session covers the core module of the FastSurfer software – fast and reliable anatomical segmentation. We will focus on the analysis of individual cases and discuss the following topics:

This module includes a practical session during which particpants can conduct their own segmentation analysis using FastSurfer and evaluate the resulting output.

Surface models


This module continues the analysis of individual cases and introduces the creation of surface models and how they can be used to extract a rich set of anatomical features. It will cover the following topics:

A practical session will allow participants to become familiar with the full FastSurfer / FreeSurfer output as well as the Freeview program, our primary tool for the visualization and inspection of individual results.

Statistical modeling and inference


This module covers statistical modeling and inference. We will address how data from individual cases can be aggregated at the group level for the purpose of answering applied research questions (e.g., group differences, association studies). We will discuss:

A practical session covers the complete workflow of an analysis at the group level, using preprocessed data from a prototypical study.

QC, troubleshooting, and practical issues


This module illustrates potential pitfalls and issues during a FastSurfer / FreeSurfer analysis, and provides suggestions for mitigating them. It will cover:

During a practical session, participants will learn how to apply strategies and techniques for quality checking. We will also discuss what output can be expected from a FastSurfer/FreeSurfer analysis, and when to proceed with caution.

The FastSurfer ecosystem


The final module introduces the FastSurfer ecosystem, i.e. the set of software tools that extend and smoothly interoperate with the core FastSurfer software. We also give an outlook about future directions in the development of the software. We will cover:

The course concludes with a question-and-answer session about any potentially remaining issues. There will also be opportunites to meet the speakers individually.

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