Version 1.0¶
API changes¶
Classes: TriaMesh, TetMesh, and Solver are still available directly at top level and imported directly from lapy.
Mesh IO: mesh classes have been extended with IO class member functions and TriaIO and TetIO have been deprecated. Use read_* and write_* class members to load and write mehses, for example, TriaMesh.read_vtk() to import a VTK triangle mesh file. This simplifies IO greatly.
Module names have been changed to comply with PEP8 conventions (lower case). For example, DiffGeo to diffgeo, FuncIO to io, and Plot to plot, etc.
Fixed numpy deprecation issue in import_vfunc and import_ev functions.
Comply with the numpy convention for docstrings (by Andreas Girodi, Kersten Diers and Martin Reuter in #19 and #21)
Add initial documentation build (by Mathieu Scheltienne in #22)